Mart de Brouwer (1955) studied at the Graphic School in Eindhoven. After working in the advertising industry for a number of years, he accidentally ended up in the textile industry, where he gained over 26 years of experience as a design draftsman. He started his own business in 2006 and still uses his expertise a lot.

Mart is often in the picture both nationally and internationally and is best known for his special and innovative wall objects. He treats these wall objects using his own developed process. For example, he works with wood that he gives a weathered appearance and then he treats the wood with paint techniques he developed himself. Mart’s works of art vary from wood in its purest form, with a burnt-out representation, to inlaid, puzzled objects in which he applies color with homemade paint.

Mart de Brouwer

Fuck the ducks


Mart de Brouwer

Spider sister


Mart de Brouwer

New haircut no. II


Mart de Brouwer



Mart de Brouwer

Sister VII


Mart de Brouwer

Sister IX


Mart de Brouwer

Sister VI


Mart de Brouwer

I’m the boss no. III


Mart de Brouwer

I’m the boss no. II


Mart de Brouwer

Sister IV


Mart de Brouwer

Sister III


Mart de Brouwer

Sister II


Mart de Brouwer

Sister I


Mart de Brouwer

New Haircut I

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